Justin Bishop

Justin Bishop is a zero excuses kind of guy. He’s a gnarly skateboarder who hits handrails and transition. He also happens to be blind. At a young age, he was diagnosed with a degenerative eye condition causing him to progressively lose his vision. He grew up skateboarding, but by the age of 25 most of his eyesight was gone. He didn’t let that stop him, though. Skateboarding became a part of Justin’s DNA—so much so that he learned how to skate all over again and today is back skating in contests, filming project and pushing his limits.

Off the board, Justin has helped create technology that can be used to assist other blind athletes, while his goal is to enhance accessibility for the blind and visually impaired in sports and the everyday life. Justin also works as an ABA therapist, teaching children on the spectrum by helping them develop social and motor skills through sports. Through skateboarding and ABA therapy, Justin pushes to advance adaptive skateboarding with hopes to help usher the sport into Paralympics one day.

Follow along with Justin @justinthebishop on Instagram.